Sunday, September 29, 2013

Simon & Martina + Yonkojeon!!!

Okay so I don't quite remember what I did from Sept 19th and today which is the 29th. I'm sorry guys. Been kind of neglecting you. Would've been better at posting if my phone hadn't cracked, and I hadn't sold it needlessly and needlessly paid $100 in shipping because I thought my parents were sending me a new one, and I currently have an ancient smartphone because of the first two reasons. So yup. And now that that rant was over (clearly, I'm still upset) I will tell you of what I remember of my last 10 days. Might not be a lot since it's been 10 days but I'll try.

So, the 19th. I did laundry then met up with Halima at Seoul Forest. Honestly, it's not really a forest. It's more like a giant park, but it was nice nonetheless. If you minus me getting bitten by mosquitoes. After literally 30 minutes of me not being able to find her because we literally walked right by each other, I had linner (lunch/dinner). It was some interestingly sweet chicken toast (which was tasty) and I also had so noodle dish from School Food. It was supposed to be one serving was more like half a serving. Considering the size of the dish, it was pretty overpriced...but delicious nonetheless. After that, we went to a place called Latte King. I ordered milk tea and Halima tried to sweet potato latte. She didn't like it. Honestly, it tasted kinda funky and she was upset about it. Then we went to the Nature Republic (a cosmetics store) in the subway station where we bought nail polish. We also got a free EXO poster. Then we went to Dongdaemun to shop but didn't stay long because things were pricey and the ajummas were kind of scary.

Moving on to the 20th. I did nothing. At night though, I went to Hongdae by myself to walk around and people-watch. No one really bothered me. However, I was called a hipster and one guy tried to convince me to go home with him which wasn't happening. He tried to entice me with the offer of buying me snacks and letting me sleep on his couch. (I know, who could refuse that right?!? I practically won the lotto!)

21st me and my friends were supposed to meet up to go to an amusement park called Everland but everyone overslept so we didn't go. After sleeping all day, I woke up to meet my fiends for dinner which consisted of delicious fried chicken. Then Halima and I went to Hongdae. We walked around and people-watched, ate food (found a crepe place and it was AWESOME), met up with Thomaz, and even met Simon and Martina from EatYourKimchi! They're pretty cool people. After that, we became tag-alongs to Thomaz's group, hit up a few places, and met up with friends at a club called Papa Gorilla where mostly all the foreigners go. The club was packed, one guy was being a creep, and we left. End of  Saturday the 21st.

22nd...I went to church where the preacher preached about how what you meditate on influences your life and the decisions you make. So true right? What you think about often really does have an affect on your life. So think positive people! Positive! After the service we went to eat at a Pho place. Honestly, the Pho was okay. I've had wayyyyyyyyyyyy much better Pho but it was decent. However, I didn't order the Pho, I got rice. Which was also good but the serving size was ridiculous. Of course after dinner must come dessert so I went to Baskin Robbins and got a strawberry parfait. It was delish. Me and Halima went to Hapjeong afterwards and did a bit of shopping. Well, she mostly did. I window-shopped. And...I think that's all that went on the 22nd.

I must warn you the 23rd to the 27th didn't consist of much. As usual, I went to dance class on Monday and learned a cool hip hop piece. I also keep having evidence of how stiff I am when I dance. That's really got to change. Then the rest of the week I did nothing but go to class. (I also had tests which I will not talk about.) I also probably ate and stuff but was mostly filled with nothingness.

Oh on Thursday, I went to a club in Gangnam for the first time. It's supposed to be the upscale part of Seoul. Considering how the cover is normally 30,000 won, I decided to dress up. Plus, it was someone's birthday. Let me tell you, high heels are overrated. I also learned I don't have as much fun when my feet are killing me. Before going to the club, we ate dinner and I got to meet some cool people. Then met up with some friends who were drinking in front of the convenient store. Then went into the club and stayed for a like two hours. (Birthday girl didn't make it into the club. Too much pre-gaming.) That's all for Thursday.

Friday (the 27th) I went out to eat with some buddies and went shopping around Ewha's Womans University. After that we went out drinking where I made a bet that I could out-drink my friend which...needless to say, I owe the boy money. Not a very good choice on my part but bleh.

Saturday I went to Yonkojeon which is a big sports festival/rivalry against Korea University. It actually started Friday but I had class so I didn't go. Anywho, Saturday was soccer and rugdby. (There were 5 sports: soccer, rugby, ice hockey, basketball, and baseball.) We won 2 of the games and tied one which is pretty good I guess. It was really fun. Kinda like a regular college sports event but with a lot more organized cheering and fireworks. Fireworks shot off every time someone scored (I know, cool right?) and each school had like school cheers and dances that go along with them. You'd have to be there for it to make sense really. After the games I ate meat for dinner, hung out downtown where a bunch of crazy drunk college kids were acting crazy in the rain. And...that's it.

Today, Sunday the 29th, I went to church where I learned about what it meant to steal from God, ate jajangmyun and convenient store food, and neglected to do homework to watch Youtube videos and write on my blog. And thus, I am caught up. Woot! Hehe ^^

Sunday Dinner at a Faux Viet Restaurant

After Dinner Polaroid

Baskin Robin's Parfait

My View from the Subway

Monday Breakfast at Burger n Shake

Seoul Forest

Food at Seoul Forest and Latte King Art

Hongdae, Crepes, and Simon & Martina
Gangnam Outfit

Big Band and Seven at the Chicken Place

Fruit Bingsu (It tastes like Suno)


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