Saturday, September 7, 2013

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling =P

Okay so I'm not longer going to separate blog posts by days because days are getting mixed it. Instead, I will update you on stuff that's happened and highlights and stuff. Because well, you don't really need to know what I do everyday right? Some days are more eventful than others cuz I'm dull and boring and lazy and me. Anywho, this is what happened Sept 4th-7th.

Honestly, I don't really remember all I did. All I really know is that I ate a lot. I don't think I did much on the 4th besides getting a drink to bring in my birthday at midnight and some random folks wished me a happy birthday outside the convenient store. I think I did something else that day but I can't remember at this point in time. I probably ate... Hopefully nothing especially memorable happened because I'd remember it...Oh yeah! I went out to dinner with some friends at a chicken place that had really spicy overpriced wings then had the best red bean buns ever. I ate like 6 of them.

Anyway, it was my birthday on the 5th! I'm now 21 and old as dirt. I had a drink at 1:00PM as well because that's when it was midnight in America. Had ramen for lunch (it was yummy) and then after classes I went to a dance class taught by one of my sundaes. The dance was relatively easy, I'm just not good at dancing. But moving on. Afterwards we went out for tacos and hot dogs and they were the best taco and hot dog I've ever had in my life. Like seriously. The chef was super good looking and I made a complete fool out of myself. I know, flirting fail. Actually more like flirting disaster. But that concluded my night.

So Saturday the 6th was an interesting day. I went to class then had my birthday dinner with a couple of awesome friends. We had samgyupsal (basically, grilled pork) with a bunch of side dishes and it was amazing. After that we went to a bar in Hongdae called Ho Bar. One of many Ho Bars in Seoul. Like, there's a bajillion of them. At the bar they played electronic music and I had some type of cocktail. Got bored so we went clubbing. Okay, this is the part where things get...weird.

Show up at the club and it gets packed super fast. I wore these high heels so I was taller than most people there and no one danced with me because I guess they were intimidated? I don't know but this club (NB2) played hiphop electronic music. After a while, we decided to go check out the other clubs. (Apparently here, depending on where you go, the cover for one club gets you into 1 or 2 other clubs as well.) So we go next door to Club Harlem which had NO ONE in it. It was playing all electronic music. Quite frankly, I felt bad for the DJ. Naturally, we leave and head to Club NB1 which played all hiphop. I loved the music they played there one was there either. And so I learned that almost all of the people here like electronic hiphop music which I personally don't enjoy. But I guess when in Seoul...

Head back to NB2 and it was more packed than when we left. I changed from heels to flipflops and ended up dancing with some sleazy guys. That wasn't very actually tried to get me to leave with him. (Yeah...that didn't happen.) Never actually experienced something like that was...gross. Besides that, I had fun dancing with friends and stuff. Oh and most people at the club also just stood there and did nothing...especially the people on the stage. And I found 50,000 won on the ground. That was the best part. Haha Overall, clubbing in Seoul for the first time was definitely an interesting experience.

Most of our group went back home at 2am but me and a couple of girls and one guy stayed and continued to walk around Hongdae. Went to a couple of bars where were filthy and a club called Papa Gorilla which was an "international" club. To sum up it up, there were a bunch of really intoxicated girls on this platform dancing with large pitchers of beer. Quite frankly, I wouldn't want to be standing near there in case something should happen. At the end of the night, we caught a cab back.

Catching a cab here takes a lot of effort. Because depending on where you want to go, you have to catch a cab at a certain street going a certain way. Yeah...confusing, I know. But yup! That was my birthday!

And today I slept tile 2:00PM, laid on my bed and watched shows on my laptop, and went to eat dinner with my roommate. Dinner was paid for by her because it was part of my birthday present and well...she drank all the beer...and ate the cheese. (We had chitato dakgalbi, which is chicken, cheese, and potatoey deliciousness.) She also gave me a BEAST poster, which she got for buying the CD but still, isn't she awesome? Oh and I saw the most dumbest fight/argument break out in the middle of the street...and the Ho Bar in Sinchon apparently had a zombie theme going on tonight. The zombie dudes were fighting though, two separate things.

That sums up this post. Check out my photos below and as always, thanks for reading!

Chitatoe Dakgalbi
Best Hotdog, Taco, and Burger Ever!

Samgyupsal and Dwegigogi B-Day Dinner

Cake, Ramen, and Drinks

Birthday Gifts!

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