Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 9 & 10 & 11 (Aug 31st, Sept 1st & 2nd)

Okay not gonna lie, my days are running together so I have no idea what I did. But I'm pretty sure all I did on Saturday was lay on my bed and read manga and watch shows on youtube. Oh! I did go to this "Vietnamese" restaurant for dinner and had "Vietnamese food." I ordered bun bo sao which was SUPPOSED to be sauteed beef with noodles but instead I had vermicelli with imitation beef, garnished with ice, mangos, and pineapples. Yeah...I don't know either. It was overpriced and needless to say, I was not pleased.

Uhhhhh yesterday (Sunday), I did pretty much the same thing except I went to Burger and Shake for linner. They have the BEST burgers. Except I didn't get that this time. I got the cheese melt and hot chili fries and strawberry shake. Everything was delicious and the fries were really spicy. I took a picture of it.

Today was the first day of classes. My first class was Beginning Japanese I. Although it was supposed to be a course taught in English, my teacher spoke no English. However, the textbook is in English and a couple of my classmates translated so I guess it will be okay. I ate lunch after that and had "Chicken Gratin Omu-Rice" which is basically rice with chicken and tomato sauce with melted cheese and egg on top. It was AMAZING! And also like $4. Then I took a nap and went to take a placement test for my Korean class.

I shall no talk about the placement test...

Afterwards I ate with some buddies at this strawberry restaurant with this very sweet ajumma. I had kimchi fried rice. It was also very yummy. And then went to a dance class. Yeah I know. Me and dance in the same sentence? Surprisingly, it turned out okay and I met some pretty chill people. I must say, my time in Korea has been fun. Hopefully the second day of class is good and I get into the last class I need.

Sorry my blog hasn't been as entertaining lately you guys. All I've been doing is stuffing my face...

"Vietnamese" Restaurant

Chicken Gratin Omurice
Kimchi Fried Rice

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