Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Steak w/ the Sunbaes

Like I said in the other post, I didn't have class until 4:00PM Tuesday Sept 17th. Which, was pretty amazing. Due to the Chuseok Holiday here, class will not be in session the rest of this week. Cool ain't it? I don't know what to do yet but I plan to do something. Some people are going to Jeju, others are going to Japan, and some Busan. My roomie is going to Busan. Why aren't I going? Well I was going to go to Japan or Vietnam to visit my relatives but the plane tickets are jacked up sky high so I decided against that. I just ain't bout that life. Plus, I used the money I would've spent for that on a new phone. Cuz you know, breaking phones has become my hobby lately. > . < Anywho, moving on.

I had class, ate dinner with my roomie, and went to this campus ministry where I sang a lot and cried a lot. It was pretty emotional...We ate chicken afterwards and then I got a strawberry oreo McFlurry from Mickey D's. Stuff happened in between but...I don't want to write why I got all emotional and stuff so I will omit that detail.

Then yesterday, Wednesday the 18th, I went over to one of my dance sunbaes house for dinner. We had steak, salad, potatoes and for dessert we had Tim Tam Slams. What are Tim Tam Slams? The best way to eat Tim Tams ever. After dinner we played some game that involved cards with fruit (I was bad at that one), Monopoly Deal (also sucked at that game), and Rummikub (I won once). Me and my friends loitered at his house for like 6 hours and afterwards we had a mini photoshoot where I made a bunch of ridiculous faces. Oh, btw, my sunbae likes photography., the 19th, I did laundry. Done.

So let me start attaching names to people so you don't get confused because I'm starting to feel confused myself. are the people I've met or talked about thus far:

Roomies = Anabel, and Lilli
My roommate is Ana, or Anabel for short. She's nice, buys me food, puts up with me keeping her awake at night, and listens to me rant about nonsense.
Lilli is my old roommate but she's pretty cool. She's in my Japanese class, thinks I'm the strongest person she's ever met, and shares bread with me whenever she has it. (All she ate was bread for a while.)

Dance Sunbaes = Thomaz (that's how his name is spelled) and Daniel
Thomaz usually teaches the hiphop classes I attend.
Daniel took the photos on Weds, and it was his house we loitered at.

Friends that Dance = Halima, Kevin, Edward, and Natalie
Halima is kinda like me except less extra and she can dance...a skill I haven't mastered.
Kevin can also dance and he's hilarious.
Natalie is a sweet girl who claims she can't dance but she can, and she usually records the dance classes.
Edward is Korean and he also claims he can't dance but you just have to find the right song.

More Friends = Carmen, Nneka, Najin, Susan, Elwin, and Juan
Carmen is Australian and she never fails to crack me up. She also has awesome hair and knows people. LoL
Nneka is straight up the coolest person ever. She's not afraid to voice how she feels and I think that's great.
Najin is the cutest Korean girl I know. She's older than me and shows us where the yummy places to eat are. She's also kind of the translator.
Susan is also a really sweet girl. She's really caring and when we go out, she drinks water or milk.
Elwin is a funny guy and if you want to know where to go in Gangnam, he's your man. He also knows people, like Carmen.
Juan is hispanic and he's also hilarious. (Most of the people I meet are funny.) He and Edward apparently know the local convenient store workers, as well as the Mickey D's workers, and the local restaurant ajummas. (Gotta have those connections.)

Well, that's all. Enjoy my pictures below. ^ . ^
Dinner with the Roomie (Spicy Pork w/ Rice and Side Dishes)

Shopping Center in Hapjeong (Someone Famous Lives in the Apt Building)

Steak Dinner

Thomaz Cooking Steak, Kevin Washing Dishes, Daniel Chopping Onions & Potatoes, and Halima Making Salad (I Babysat)

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