Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 12 (Sept 3rd)

Okay so...first off I wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! To my bestie Chatela. I love that girl and I hope she has a wonderful 22nd.

Now onto what I did today.

Basically I went to this Cultural Psych class hoping I'll be able to register. The Professor was totally suave an bada** and only had 15 slots in the class left and there were like 30 people who needed the class. He chose you based on major and junk and since I was a Criminal Justice major I was super scared I wouldn't get into the class because the other people that needed it besides me were Psych majors. From the way he explained the layout of the class, I felt I'd thoroughly enjoy it so I really wanted to be accepted. And I was. So woot woot!

Then I went to the activities fair and "met" the fencing club/team. My first impression of them weren't very good so I shall not speak of them.

Had lunch. It was pork cutlet and crouqette (aka a hashbrown) and it was delicious. Then watched TV and went to see the result of my Korean placement test. Turns out I have to learn Korean all over again which I'm very displeased about. Like...super upset. I cried in the class due to frustration.

So after two hours of ahhhhhing and ooooohing and uhhhhhhing all over again, I went to have dinner with a group of girls and it was magnificent. We had girl talk, I laughed a great deal, and dessert was awesome. I'm so glad I'm meeting such awesome people here. It has really been a good experience so far...minus the disappointing parts but I guess I'll make the best of it. Oh and I have a new roommate. Yeah...long story. Actually not really but I just don't wanna get into it.

Cutlet & Croquette, Berry Bingsu, and Tiramasu
Parking in Seoul

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