Thursday, September 12, 2013

525,600 Minutes...

So this post is supposed to tell you about my week from Sept 8th til today, Friday the 13th.

I can honestly say, I don't remember what I did really, aside from the usual eating, sleeping, and homework. Like I said, my days are all running together at this point. I know one day this week (Tuesday?), me and a couple of friends went to this cute restaurant and I had mandu soup. The soup was okay. The mandu was a tad bit too peppery for my taste.

Wednesday, I went to see RENT with my roomie and one of my classmates. It was a school production of the musical and it was great! However, it was in Korean so I had absolutely no idea what was going on 98.9% of the time. I just knew which songs the were singing due to the melody. After the musical, we went to this chicken place in Sinchon that has bomb-a** chicken. It was delicious.

Thursday was just my wander-around day. I went shopping near Ewha Womans University (yes I spelled that correctly), and bought a cardigan, a dress, and a shirt. The cardigan was over-priced and made for males (but I like it), the dress is kinda weird but it was cheap (not sure how I feel about it), and I really like the shirt. I also went to hip-hop dance class again. I can follow the dance steps okay but my execution leaves something to be desired. However, it's really fun so I think I'm gonna keep going regularly all semester...even if my money is steadily dwindling down. Had tacos again for dinner and the hot-dog guy is a really handsome flirtatious man. (Which, I don't mind but I'm pretty sure I made it super obvious I think he's nifty.), Friday, I haven't done much but go to class. I had a hiragana quiz and it could've gone better. I knew the characters but couldn't complete the quiz in the allotted time. So unfair. I think I'm going to go out tonight but I'm not too sure yet. Guess I'll see what tonight has in store after this last class. Bleh...

Tomato Sausage Spaghetti, Curry Cutlet Dosirak, and Mandu Soup

Green Tea Frappe & Crazy Ramen (Which Wasn't All that Crazy)

RENT! And the Most Delicious Cream Chicken Ever
Dance Class

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