Friday, October 4, 2013

So So So Happy!

So this post starts on the 30th. The day was kind of bad honestly. I was sick and didn't really do much. In fact, I didn't even go to my morning class because I felt absolutely awful. I did however, go to my Korean class and afterwards me and my roomie grabbed dinner. We both ordered this pork and rice dish which was really good. Sorry...I need to start writing the names of the food I eat so I remember. Dessert was chocolate cake. I also went to dance class and learned an awesome hiphop piece. It was super fun, challenging, and made me all sweaty and gross but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Oh, and at dance class, I met my friend's friends who were Australian. They came to Korea because they were in a Kpop Dance Festival contest thing. They were in fifth place I believe. And one of them was Vietnamese! Except she can definitely pass as a Chinese person or a Korean.

Uh...I had a quiz in my cultural psych class on Tuesday. Let's just was bad. Like really bad.

Wednesday wasn't filled with much. Or at least I don't think it was. I had a Japanese vocabulary quiz that was slightly better than my cultural psych quiz but not by much. At night, I ate dinner with Anna. We went to this pricey restaurant and I ordered Bibim Neangmyeon. It was 9,000 won and wasn't very tasty. Then I went out to Hongdae with the Australian dance crew (yah know, the one I talked about above). We also went with the Indonesian dance crew that actually won first place in the contest. Man, can those kids party. I was stunned. Mostly because I wasn't even having fun. We went to this bar where a bunch of drunk Koreans kept pulling on me and junk and well...I don't really like that. Got home at like was a super long night that I didn't enjoy.

Thursday the 3rd was a holiday so I didn't have classes. Instead I went shopping at Dongdaemun. It was A.O Crew's (the Australians) last day in Korea so it was kinda sad. Halima actually teared up a bit. I'm so gonna miss those guys...
Anywho, we shopped for a while and Halima kept buying everything in sight quite frankly. I walked away with a shirt and a dress. But I no longer have the dress since it didn't fit and Halima wants it. After shopping, I had a date! ^ . ^ He was super gorgeous and I had fun. That's all I will tell you about it. Hehe

Today, Friday the 4th, I went on a tour of the MBC Broadcasting Center since some classes were also cancelled. It was...alright. Everyone was being kind of touristy and annoying though. We saw a couple of celebrities (which, I don't really know) and one of them straight up said "don't take my picture." Honestly, I felt kind of bad for her. She had people invading her privacy all the time and the last thing she needed was a bunch of foreigners snapping pictures of her without her permission. I didn't take any pictures of people though because I didn't want to be THAT person. After the tour I took a cab with two more girls back to Sinchon so we could make it to our class. The rest of the group had chicken and bear by the Han River apparently.

When Korean class was done, me, Anna, Lily, and Halima went to eat dinner at the chicken place. (The one with the cream chicken.) I don't know if you guys know this, but Korea has the best chicken ever. When dinner was over, me, Anna, and Lily walked around Sinchon and shopped a bit. I bought hair products, hair bows, and a hair straightener. And...that's about all for this post. Sorry if I'm boring you guys to death. Not doing it on purpose. I'm just writing it mainly to remember the things I did my first time in Korea. And also to show off my wonderful pictures that lately haven't been so wonderful. (I blame the new crappy phone i got.) But yeah. Ta dah!

I want to own everything on this wall (from MBC).

MBC News Room Tour

Cake, Expensive Neangmyeon, and Deliciousness

MBC Radio Broadcasting Rooms 
Set of "Wonderful Friday"

Set of "This Morning" and "We Got Married" 

Set of Happy Time
Australian Friends + Halima and Yunsoo

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