Monday, October 28, 2013

Sick and Strugglin

October 14th to 24th

Sorry I haven't updated in while you guys. Honestly not trynna neglect y'all, promise. Not like y'all read this regularly anyway, but still. Okay so there's really not much to talk about because I didn't do much or go anywhere. In fact, I was sick for like forever and it was awful. I was coughing and light-headed and at one point, I'm pretty sure I coughed up blood. Yeah...not fun. But, I'm okay now...for the most part. Wish I could remember what I did on what day but I can't so I'm going to just wing it and summarize these last two weeks. goes...

Basically these last two weeks consisted of me going to dance class (as usual), and eating a lot. In fact, I'm pretty sure all I did everyday was eat. I know it's bad is good. You know what's funny though? Apparently my aunt had a dream that I was emaciated, pale, and depressed because I was starving here. Folks, I can honestly tell you, I am not starving or emaciated. In fact, I eat all the time and I can have people vouch for that. It's honestly ridiculous how much I eat. I even eat when I'm not hungry because I can! And you know what that means? Well for one, it means I'm not starving and two, it means I need to hit the gym stat before I blow up like fourth of July fireworks. But moving on.

Yeah, aside from consuming large quantities of food, I also had midterms and I must say, they are the devil. Only had 4 hours of sleep in the span of like 3 days because I was studying. I don't know how they went so don't ask. All I know is that it was all a giant blur. After hours of late-night cramming, I didn't even know what I was studying. Like I walked into my Japanese oral exams speaking was that bad. But since I can only remember what I ate since I took pictures of it, I shall talk about that.

Uhhh so I went to this jajangmyeon place (on some day that I don't recall) and ordered over-priced jajangmyeon and tangsooyook (kinda like sweet and sour pork but more sweet than sour). It was delish but expensive. Quite frankly, jajngmyeon is becoming some kind of addiction. I don't even know why. Guess I just like noodles. I also decided to straighten my hair before so I'd look less like a mess just because I was sick (selfie below). Feeling pretty cures the common cold right?

On another day before dance class (probably a Thursday), I went to a fish n' chips restaurant. What was I doing there? Well, obviously not eating fish n' chips because I'm allergic. I had beer-battered calamari. I tasted no beer, and the calamari was good but oily. Really oily...

On that next Thursday (the 24th?), after dance class I went to grab tacos at my favorite taco place. He made renovations and it looks nice now. I also took a picture of the taco guy this time. Tee hee. Since I already talked about the food there, I shall move on.

One night for dinner, I went to a place called _________ Deli with my friends. It didn't served deli food. In fact, it served cutlet, spaghetti, "steak" (aka a beef patty), and fried rice. I had BBQ chicken fried rice without the BBQ sauce. It was good. And the little cabbage salad they give you was my favorite part. I really like these little cabbage salad thing. Don't know what kind of dressing they put on it, but I'm convinced one of the main ingredients is crack.

One another day within those past two weeks, me and Halima went to a study cafe. Since she has like a terrible sense of direction and can't read maps, it took us 2 hours to find the place. It was a nice place but by the time I got there, my feet were throbbing and I didn't care to study. Good thing I had my favorite spaghetti for lunch before I went. Oh, and the drinks there are also ridiculously expensive cuz I guess you're paying for the atmosphere of the place too. Nice atmosphere really but I don't know how other people feel about paying $7 for tea. Speaking of drinks, the mint hot chocolate at Ediya Coffee is the bomb. This has nothing to do with the study cafe, but I figured I'd letcha know.

Also on Thursday the 24th, me, Edward and Halima met up to buy birthday gifts for people we know. We ate brunch first and I had kimbap and rice with fish roe cooked in a stone pot. It was delicious and cheap and delicious.

Now I shall go off on a tangent and tell you this. Glasses here are crazy cheap. Honestly, I was in glasses heaven. Tried on just about every other pair in that place. I went to get colored contacts, hence the picture of me with blur contacts, but after trying on the glasses, I had to buy em. Couldn't decide so I got both pairs and I love em. My roomie really shouldn't take me to places like this...I end up broke. Who can be so blissfully content in a place that sells glasses? This girl.

Jajangmyeon Dinner!
Fish n' Chips Place
Sick Selfie
Torture Disguised as Japanese Midterms
Mint Hot Chocolate
Lunch and Dinner
Solbin Tacos!
Brunch with Halima
Study Cafe, Baloise Cream Spaghetti and Chrysanthemum Tea
Glasses Happy

Blue Contacts

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