Friday, October 11, 2013

Dancing and Celebrities

Wow...this week has been absolutely mind-blowing. Wanna know what I did from the 8th to the 11th? Well, I'll tell you. Just keep reading.

Okay so on Tuesday (the 8th) I did well on my quiz, napped, and went to my Korean class where I learn exactly what I learned a year ago. (Yes, I am salty.) But anywho, after all off that boring nonsense, I went to a dance workshop taught by a choreographer named Mary. Her dance was super difficult, and super fun. Quite frankly, I'm still sore but I remember all of the choreo. I'm no dancer but having the opportunity to do this and just enjoy myself makes me happy. After dance class, two Korean girls came up to me and Halima and totally wanted to be friends. How cool and cute is that? We met the director of the workshop and he was surprised we knew Korean. His English was good...even if he only knew a couple of phrases and he was a total trip. But he did inform me and Halima that we could take Mary's regular classes although we weren't students at the Arts Center. How absolutely amazing is that? After a long chat with everybody, me and Halima went to eat dinner. We had beef BBQ which was delicious and expensive. (My treat.) And that just about concludes the Tuesday I had. I think we also ended up at the convenient store for dessert or something which is honestly becoming a bad bad habit for us.

Wednesday was filled with a lot of dancing. Very tiring, fun and amazing, body-breaking dancing. But before I go into that, I just wanted to say, for lunch, me and Halima went to Food Cafe and they have the best kimbap I've had so far. Anywho, moving on. So as I was saying, dancing. Long story short, I went to a dance workshop with classes taught by Shaun Evaristo, Nick DeMoura, Jblaze, and JonBoogiee. The classes were challenging and it really pushed me wayyyyyyyyyyy out of my comfort zone considering how I've only started learning to dance like a month ago. Honestly, I felt way in over my head since everyone in the class was amazing. But, nonetheless, I pushed myself through it and had a great time. (6 hours of dancing and sweat is pouring out of every pore in my body...sounds fun right? lol)

I also ran into Min from Miss A at the workshop. Granted I didn't know it was her at first but I wasn't star-struck at all. She's just a super normal, chill girl who is literally the life of the party. How do I know that? Well after the workshop, I went and ate BBQ with the workshop instructors and some dancers. The atmosphere was good and it was loads of fun. They're all really great people. They went out after dinner for round two of drinks but I didn't go because it was 3am  by then and I had class. And thus, I move on to Thursday.

Thursday, I went to class and the projector didn't work so my professor went old-school and lectured from the PowerPoint on his smart phone. Haha. Then I ate lunch with my roomie and my adorable introverted friend Lorna. (I'm seriously getting addicted to the Baloise Cream Spaghetti from the cafeteria.) Then I went shopping in Idae where I spent $60 worth of $5 and $10 items. All of which were bought for dance purposes. Who would even think I'd end up doing that? Like, seriously, my dancing is so awkward. But anywho, had to come back for Korean class. Although I haven't been going for a while, I went to Thomaz's dance class and learned the second half of "Can We Chill". And now I move on the the highlight of the evening.

After class, Halima, Thomaz, his friend Yoro, and I go to Jay Park's AOMG Launch Party where we meet up with Nneka and Carmen. After being in like for 30 mins, we finally get in and there's naked real-people statues, random games for people to play, and a stage with giant speakers blasting music. Thomaz won me a beanie and a hoodie. ^ . ^ At the party there were performances throughout the night. The first involved naked girls with fake breasts and it was slightly disturbing. (Mostly cuz I'm a girl and seeing all that is well...disturbing.) After then were live performances by Beenzino, Illionare, Zion T, Dok2, and Jay Park. He is wayyyyyyyyyyyy more extra in person. And his voice more high-pitched. There were a whole bunch of celebrities there too: like CL, Hyoyeon, Psy, Justin Beiber, etc... I only say G-Dragon though, and he's shorter than I thought. Mind you, it was a passing glance.

At 3am, Halima, Sarah, and I decided to leave and we run into Eli and Kevin from U-Kiss. We had a short little conversation and Kevin claimed he was our "oppa" which I found super awkward and endearing at the same time. We take a cab to McDonald's, ate dinner, and reflected on our night. I all but pass out on my bed when I finally get home and slept until 6pm on Friday. I guess all the dancing took its toll on my body. Plus I was getting sick. Did I mention I actually had a quiz in one of my classes and considering how I didn't attend any of my can tell how well it went.

And so after I wake up, I shower and Halima informs me we got tickets to a jazz concert. All proceeds from the concert goes to a fund that helps pay for orphans to go to college. The concert was great. I really enjoy all types of music so I was happy to have gotten that opportunity. Coming back home, it was freezing. Now, I'm more sick than ever and I can't sleep cuz my body is switching from hot to cold. Nonetheless, my week was great.

Sorry but I don't have many pictures to share. I know, crazy week and no pictures. I blame the crappy phone. My bad guys...I will keep my digital in my bag from now on.

Caroline and Min

Dance Instructors

Baloise Cream Pasta & Egg Kimbap

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