Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 5 (Aug 27th)

Hi guys!

So was gonna go get my alien registration card today (kind of the Korean equivalent of a green card) but I didn't want to spend all day at the immigration office so I like...didn't. However, I did go to Dongdaemun with a couple of people and it was fun. I helped one of the girls haggle at the markets with my broken Korean and even helped people order lunch. It's kind of funny really. I spent most of the day translating for her even though I barely knew what the ajummas and ajusshis were saying myself. Oh and one of the shop ajummas patted my face...I don't know if it was a nice gesture or not. But she was surprised I was Vietnamese...as most people are...

As usual, there are pictures of what I ate. In the morning, I ate baloise spaghetti (I think that's how you spell it), and it had chicken and pork and mushrooms, and peppers and stuff in it. I couldn't finish it. I know it looks like a small portion in the picture, but it was a lot. Then I had like this french-fry corn dog thing from one of the street vending ajummas. Actually, I didn't buy it, I mooched off some from the girl I was translating for. I'd tell you guys the names of the people I've met but I'm not sure if they'd appreciate that so they shall remain anonymous.

I also had an expensive Krispy Kreme doughnut. For some reason, the doughnuts just look way fancier here. Uh...and for dinner I had a mini salad (they weren't joking when they said mini; like it's super small), a fried egg, and a kimchi rice ball (which was way larger than the salad).

In Dongdaemun, all I bought was an over-priced hat. I liked it, so it's alright. Not like I can go return it anyway. I think I was also hit on cuz the marketplace guys asked me why I didn't have a boyfriend. But then again he might have been trying to sell me a couple-tee. LoL I guess you can judge for yourself. The conversation was in Korean and it went something like this:

Guy 1: Hey, what are you looking for?
Me: My friends.
Guy 1: Oh I'm your friend. I'm right here.
Me: *smile and laugh and keep it moving*
Guy 2: Hey, what are you looking for?
(At that point, I found my friends so I didn't really say anything.)

Guy 3: Hey you should come check out these shirts!
Me: But I'm a girl...(he was selling men's clothes)
Guy 3: Well we have couple tees!
Me: But I don't have a boyfriend.
Guy 3: Oh really?!? Why?!?
Me: I don't want one.
Guy 3: Oh...so you're looking for female shirts? They're downstairs.
(Can't a girl try and buy a tie in peace?)

Yeah...pretty sure he was just trynna sell me something. Anywho, I apologize to the unsuspecting pedestrians in my pictures. Just to let you guys know, I'm going on a city tour tomorrow so that should be cool. I'll keep y'all posted. Night night!


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