Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 0.5 (Aug 21st/22nd)

So, not much to say here, nor did I take any pictures. I know, I'm awful right?? Can't remember much from that day really. All I know is I woke up really early to get to the airport, my heels hurt on the plane, and I slept for like forever. Well, what seemed like forever. Cuz on my flight from Dallas to Seoul I thought I'd get to Seoul by the time I woke up from my sleep but...I still had like 7 or 8 hours of the flight left. You guys know that the Dallas airport had a Popeye's?!? Anywho, I ate Shin Ramyun on the plane (it was delish, as ramyun tends to be), some chicken with veggies and rice thing (not so great; carrots tasted like soup), and Milano cookies ( I even have to say it? I mean, who doesn't like Milano cookies?). Anywho, I arrived at the airport in Seoul and it was huge...and hot. More huge than hot but I couldn't get past the hot. And when I got outside it was also hot. Kinda like Savannah all sticky and humid and junk but considering how I hadn't been outside all summer, I didn't welcome the weather I was experiencing.

Took a taxi to the dorms and had to walk down these ridiculous rock steps with my suitcases. took a minute because my suitcases were heavy, the stairs were steep, and I'm not really that strong. I moved in, unpacked, met some of the girls on my floor, watched M Countdown with them, grabbed some dinner, and slept at like 9:00pm. And that wraps up that. I know, very exciting right? However I will give you some tips about planes and airports through my experience:

1. Don't wear heels. It's just a bad idea no matter how cute your outfit is.
2. Kids kick your seat so feel free to recline it. You'll be annoyed, but slightly more comfortable.
3. Don't eat the chicken and rice. It's not that great.
4. People stare at you often if you're tall...especially old Asian ladies.
5. Get a window seat or an aisle seat cuz being in the middle is inconvenient.
6. Oblivion, Epic, Trance, and Iron Man 3 are all good movies. (This has nothing to do with my list but they're what I watched on the plane so it sort of counts.)

And...that's all folks.  

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