Sunday, November 3, 2013

This is Halloween, This is Halloween!

October 29th - November 3rd

So to start us off, I can't believe it's November. That means I only have a little over a month and a half left in Seoul. Man time goes by fast. You know what it also means? That I did absolutely like nothing here. Hehe. So I'm determined to make this month and a half memorable. Now that that's been said, I shall go on about how I did mostly nothing from the 29th of October to the 3rd of November. Once again, don't remember exactly what I did when so bear with me.

Me and my roomie Anabel, sometime the beginning of last week, wen to a quaint little Hispanic restaurant for lunch. I ordered the lunch set with came with a burrito, quesadilla, and fries. It was delicious and we even got free fries and free dessert because she goes there often. Notice how I say everything I eat is delicious. Well, it is. I happen to have good taste in food and there so happens to be good food everywhere here. And this may seem completely crazy, but they sure have good friend chicken here. I've literally ate fried chicken all week. I just can't seem to help myself. It's addicting. I don't know what they put in it (crack), but it's the bomb.

On Tuesday, which I now remember is when I ate the burrito, me and Ana also went to a music show recording. It was the pre-recording for Simply K-Pop. Ana got chosen to be part of he studio audience and she so kindly brought me along. N-Sonic, Nine Muses, J Jun, AOA, U-Kiss, MPire, A-Jax and Kahi performed and it was super fun and somehow really long. This is what I've gathered from it all:

1. Some fans are completely bonkers and can scream super loud and super shrilly into your ear for 10 minutes straight.
2. Some celebrities are shorter in person.
3. No matter how many times J Jun lifts up or takes off his shirt, I will not get tired of it.
4. Idols seem to have some articles in their wardrobe that don't fit them properly, which is quite unfortunate.
5. I shouted the lyrics to U-Kiss's new song wrong.The shame.

Yup. That's basically it for that. We weren't allowed to take pictures or talk to the celebrities so I don't have any pictures to show you. So sorry. All I have are my memories which obviously, aren't very reliable at times. As a matter-of-fact, I swore J Jun was smiling directly at me the whole time and his whole performance was for me but I think we all know what the truth is. *Sighs*

Also sometime this week (Thursday I believe), we went costume shopping and on the way, had kalgooksoo for lunch.. Can't really explain it, so there's the picture below. Of course, Thursday was Halloween so I had to get dressed up. As you see below, I was a vampire. Nope, I didn't have fangs. There was a Halloween party hosted by a club on campus that night so a lot of people got dressed up for it. Although the venue was super crowded, it wasn't really my scene so I left early. However, I did manage to freak out some locals on my way to the party. Did I look that scary?

Since I got on the topic of Halloween, I shall talk a bit about Halloween in Korea...

Halloween in Korea is basically nonexistent because it's like an American holiday. A very small group of people here celebrate Halloween; mainly foreigners and college students. In fact, not a lot of places decorate for Halloween, and not a lot of people dress up. From what I saw, only clubs and stuff put out Halloween decorations and the only places you see that sell costumes is from small street vendors or a party store. Even then, there's not a very large selection of stuff like you see in the US. Then again, I went shopping for a Halloween costume on Halloween so my opinion is not all that valid. Guess that's what makes it an opinion. Anywho, I also think people believe Halloween is an all-week event...but that's just me. The reason I say this is because well, people were dressed up all week and I wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe I knew why but still, can't help but be confused. That's kind of my rough observation of what Halloween is like here. Ta dah!

On Friday I just went to class and I spent my whole weekend at a church retreat. It was an...interesting experience. And I leave it at that.

Sorry for not having a lot of pictures you guys. I'm kinda slacking aren't I? I promise to do better. As always, thanks for reading and I hope you find this remotely entertaining. Toodles!

Vampy Vampireness
Dessert and Kalgooksoo
Halima and Captain America

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