Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Enjoy Eating

November 4th - 10th

Hey guys, me again. You know what time it is. Time to update this blog on lame stuff I did that you all aren't necessarily interested in but read anyway. So let's get started.

So Monday, the 4th, I went to class. Yeah, I know. Super exciting. But that's generally how most of my days go. I honestly don't think I did anything super interesting. In fact, I didn't. The only exciting thing I could remember was going to dance class where Thomaz and Daniel collaborated on a piece and taught it to us. It was super fun, as dance class always is.

Tuesday...I honestly don't think I did anything. In fact, I don't think I did anything this whole week that's worth mentioning. I ate...of course. And quite frankly, looking at the pictures I took this week, they're mainly of food. In light of the fact that I can't remember what I did on which day, I will talk about stuff I remember in no particular order.

I went to a really good sushi restaurant with a couple of friends this week. Although it was a tad bit pricey, the sushi was really good and I thoroughly enjoyed eating it. For those who know me well, you guys know I really like sushi so you can imagine how happy I was. I also ate from one of my favorite restaurants that's close to my dorm. I call it the "Strawberry Place." This week I had bulgogi dolsotbap, ojinguh dolsotbap, this other dolsotbap with spicy pork, and kalgooksoo from there this week. (Sure I can type these food names in Korean but...I don't want to. So sorreh. Not to mention I forgot how it's spelled. I'll pay more attention from now on.) If you ever end up in Seoul near the Yonsei International Dorms, your should eat there. I highly recommend it. It has good and cheap food: a winning combination.

I also ordered take-out from this place called Yummy? I think? It's a Japanese restaurant. The food was...sub par. It wasn't very warm when I got it which I guess I can't complain too much about. However, I really like eating food when it's really warm so it was kind of a turn-off for me. Nonetheless, it filled me up.

Now that I'm done talking about food, I will talk about what I did during the weekend. On Saturday, I went to the Trick-Eye Museum with my roomie Ana. It was super fun and the Ice Museum was super cold. I will post the pictures in my next blog post because I took a bunch. We also saw some kind of performance on our way back. But that night, I went to Club Answer in Gangnam because it was one of my friend's birthday and that's where she wanted to go. From the very beginning, the club was very strict. We came with a large group of people and some didn't get in because they weren't "dressed well enough." And another couldn't because he was not old enough. I'm not sure what the dress code entailed exactly, but I'm convinced I was let in because I was female.

Overall, it was fun and interesting...I will leave it at that. LoL They do only play electronic music which I'm not really into but I found a way to enjoy myself nonetheless. I also learned some things.

1. Some girls are a complete and total mess.
2. Boys at the club in Gangnam are very attractive.
3 They're also not shy about grabbing you by the wrist or waist which I'm not okay with.
4. Random girls give me dirty looks no matter what country I'm in. Haters gonna hate.

And...That's it. I wish I could tell you that I did something on Sunday but I didn't. So I can't. But...enjoy the pics! ^ ^

Different Dolsotbaps

Super Yummy Sushi

Take-Out from Yummy Japanese Restaurant

Random Performance in Edae

Dunkin' Doughnuts Doughnuts

I Found a Popeye's!


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