Thursday, November 28, 2013

28 Days & Counting...So Sad

Nov 25th - 28th.

Hey guys, me again. Can you believe I only have like 28 days left in Seoul? Tragic. Honestly though, I'm kinda missing home. I skyped with my family this week and I noticed my grandmother has aged a bit since I saw her last. It made me really sad and I started crying. If you guys don't know, my grandmother is the most important person in my life. The woman practically raised me and seeing her look so...not like my strong grandmother makes me emotional. But enough of the sappy stuff before I cry again. Let's move on to what I did this week.

So Monday I went to dance class where Daniel taught a slow lyrical piece. It was cool and fun to learn and afterwards me and my friends grabbed dinner at some restaurant with nothing but kimchi on the menu. I ordered kimchi albap which is rice, kimchi, and fish roe served hot and sizzling in a bowl. It was delish. I also got to learn more about my new friend Tony who has live here for like forever. (Is like 4 years forever?) We also went to get ice cream. Who eats ice cream in the winter? Me. I don't believe I slept Monday night considering how I had a test the next day that I didn't study for before I went out.

Tuesday, I went to my first class and then slept for like forever. I got woken up due to a call from Nneka asking me if I wanted to go with her to Simply Kpop. I didn't get chosen to be apart of the audience this time around so I was pretty sad but the call from her woke me up right away. At Simply Kpop, I got to introduce the first act awkwardly (I'm gonna be on TV guys!) and it was a really fun time. I got to stare at Jjun for a whole 30 minutes and he smiled, and waved, and tried to kill me by being extremely good-looking. I also got to talk to Eli from U-Kiss for a bit and although he doesn't know my name, I'm sure he remembers my face. Kevin does apparently. Quite frankly, I find Eli to be a rather strange and funny fellow. I just find the things he does amusing. I don't know what. Anywho, I also sent hearts at members from Mr. Mr. who I don't know the names of. I probably led some artists to believe I was their fan but in actuality, I just enjoy good performances and good singing. Sorry. Oh and on the way to the subway station, we ran into a filming of Running Man!

Wednesday, I went absolutely nowhere the whole day. I was feeling sick as a dog. Actually, I think I made it to my first two classes but after that, I was dead to the world until about 6:00pm (mainly because it was snowing and freezing). Yeah, I know. Everyone went out frolicking in the snow and I decided to sleep. So fun right? At 6:30pm, I met up with Daniel, Thomaz, and Kevin for dinner and Yunsoo also joined us. We went to Abiko Curry since it was close. I nearly choked on my food because Kevin was telling corny jokes. For those who don't know me, I laugh at everything. After dinner, I hung out with Danny and Thomaz for a bit, and met up with Halima where got roped into joining a dance. Then I stayed up all night watching dramas. Tuesday night I was up lip-syncing the whole night.

Thursday, I didn't go to my morning class. I woke up at 4pm just in time for my last class. Then after class I did homework. I could've gone to dance class, or could've gone to watch a talent show my friends were in but since I had a to-do list a mile long, I stayed in. And now...I'm here. Having been up all night doing homework and studying. The good news is, I did well on my quiz and finished my homework. The bad news is, I'm tired and I'm pretty sure I'm going to step into panda territory with these dark circles under my eyes. Another bright side, I had fried chicken for dinner and got free clementines with it. The clementines were yummy! The chicken too.

I don't have any special plans this weekend except a concert Halima got tickets too. I plan to go out tonight (it's currently 1:30pm Friday) but it depends on if I'm still alive until then. I feel like a zombie and the $4 cup of coffee I bought had no affect. Bleh... But yeah, I'm done typing. Hehe.

Okay so I took more pictures (of food) but while uploading it I accidentally deleted it and now I can't find it. Sorry. > . <

Running Man! (Ji Suk Jin)
Free Food from My Classmate!

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire!

Nov 22nd - 24th.

Here's a tough question, guess what I did this weekend? OMG How'd you guess? Hehe. That's right, I went to see Hunger Games: Catching Fire and it was AWESOME!!! I haven't read any of the books but I do appreciate the movies so far. I mean, the first half of the movie was a bit slow but my friend said it was necessary so yeah. Other than that, the movie was great and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Oh and just so you guys know, movie theaters in Seoul (or at least the one I went to) are so much nicer than in the United States. You pick your own seat before you buy the tickets, and they also have a whole section for couples. The couple seats look like a love seat and all the seats in the theater are super cushy, and you get a lot of leg room. I would've taken a picture for you guys, but I felt like being touristy at a movie theater would be slightly inappropriate so I didn't. Sorry.

I went to the movies with my friends Friday night. Before then, me and Mint hung out because she's flying out to Thailand for like a month and when she gets back, I won't be here. We met in Hongdae, went to the Vans store where she bought a hat, and then went to eat dinner. I had donkatsu dob bap and goon mandu. The donkatsu dob bap was good but the mandu wasn't too great. I've had better mandu. Anywho, Mint had curry and that was really good as well. After dinner, we went to Hapjeong (where we were going to watch the movie with the others) and walked around Home Plus. I bought sushi again but I didn't have my allergy medicine so I got a slight allergic reaction. Nothing too serious. Then we watched the movie.

Okay so after the movie, me and Halima were catching a cab home and saw two people with the same hair from behind. At first, you'd think it was two girl friends just standing together. Nope, it was a guy and a girl. I almost died laughing and people probably thought I was drunk. I know I'm not supposed to laugh at other people but the sight of that caught me off-guard and I just couldn't help myself. I apologize.

And the hilarities didn't stop there folks. While walking home, I spotted three guys peeing together next to the department store. There were all like peeing in the same puddle out in the open. I died. I just couldn't believe my eyes. It was sooooooooooooo funny to me. But anywho, moving on.

So on Saturday, I slept all day then met Mint. We hung out with our friend Caroline and met Amber from f(x). After that, I took her to Solbin's and we ate. A lot. He let her cook too. (She burnt our hot dog bun.) He also got her autograph. Haha. Halima met us there after her Thanksgiving Banquet thing and we went with Mint to run errands and then went back to her place and watched "The Heat". Or at least, I watched it. According to Mint, she didn't need to watch the movie, the movie was watching her. Basically the master plan was to stay up all night and drop Mint off at the airport in the morning. I was the only one that followed through with it. But yeah.

5:30 am Sunday morning, we checked in her bags and ate breakfast at McDonald's. They don't have biscuits here. Only English muffins. I know, what kind of monstrosity is that, right? But the hot cakes and sausages tastes really good. And of course, the hash-brown did too. Nothing greasier than a McDonald's hash-brown man. After breakfast, we took a cab to the airport and saw Mint off. Halima fell asleep on the subway back and when I got home, I passed out on my bed until 7:00 pm. The End!

Movies with Friends
Dinner and Breakfast
Up All Night
Minty Cookin' Our Hot Dog
Mint Posing with My Food

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Nov 18th - 21st

It snowed on Monday. Hence the title of this blog post. I kid you not. It totally made my life. Like you wouldn't believe how happy I was. But it only snowed for a total of like 10 minutes and Monday was the only day it snowed. Still! There was a legit blizzard at one point and my black coat was white. It was legit. Moving on.

Besides laundry and cleaning my room, I didn't do much on Monday. I walked around Edae and bought some shirts but yeah. I did eat samgyetang for lunch which is a chicken soup with a whole chicken that has rice and ginseng inside of it. Quite frankly, it wasn't very good and I didn't like it. Maybe it was from the restaurant I ate it ate but the soup was bland and fatty and there was chicken bones with every bite (which got annoying after a while). I didn't go to dance class because I woke up to find that half of my toe nail had ripped off. It didn't hurt. It was just unpleasant. As for dinner, me and my roomie had fried chicken for dinner.

Tuesday was as uneventful as Monday. Or more so. I went to class, had ramyun for lunch, and curry for dinner. Me and the roomie went to Abiko Curry. It was really good. You could customize your own late there; like picking what kind of curry you want, what toppings you want on it, what meat, and how spicy you want it. In my opinion, it was reasonably priced and I enjoyed my chicken donkatsu and chicken curry.

Wednesday I went out to dinner with Mint, Daniel, and Halima after my class and we went to Dos Tacos which is...can you guess? A Mexican restaurant. I had the meat and avocado burrito which was superrrrrr good. I love avocado so it made me really happy. Plus the burrito was huge and filling. After dinner, me, Daniel, and Mint went to Hapjeong where Mint participated in Danny's impromptu photo-shoot. After Mint took a bunch of pictures, we hung out at HomePlus (a giant supermarket) and I ate some sushi. Although the burrito was filling, for some reason I was still hungry. Or maybe it was because I wanted sushi.

Okay so I'm going to tell you guys a story about how we came up with dinner plans for Wednesday. Basically, Halima, Mint, Daniel and I were in a group chat debating for like an hour and a half about what we should eat. Have you ever tried to get four indecisive people to all decide on what to eat for dinner? Especially when one of those four is a liiiiiiiiittle picky about what she wanted to eat? (Yes. that would be me.) Well, lemme tell you that it is utterly ridiculous, completely hilarious, and involves a lot of emoticons. Here are some highlights from the conversation (which all revolve around Danny):

"Why does this duck have one foot?"
"Oh really Danny? I was under the impression we were eating bricks."
(His answer: "Bricks is so last year.")
"We should call him Vageta cuz Vageta's shorter. I feel like Danny looks more like Vageta."

Can you imagine how ridiculous and utterly entertaining this was? Needless to say, I was postah be studying for a test and well...I didn't. You can imagine how well that test went.

Thursday, another empty kind of day. I didn't go to my first class because I didn't feel very well. After waking up and going to my last class, I planned to go to Thomaz's dance class but dinner ran late so I didn't make it. For dinner, I tried doenjang jjigae for the first time. It's fermented soybean soup and it has a pungent kind of smell. It was delish and I'm pretty sure my tummy was cursing me because I was so full. I also bought a checked scarf in Edae (I like checkered things). After dinner, me and my friends hung out at a coffee shop where I drank strawberry cream oolong tea. It was good and yet it wasn't. Kinda strange really but yeah. At the coffee shop, we convinced Edward to finally get an instagram and taught him how to use it a bit. Then I went home and watched dramas. The end.

Sorry this post has been about what I ate this week. Wish I could say I did worthwhile things but I didn't. Can you guys believe I only have one month left? It's crazy and also kind of bittersweet. I miss my family but I also don't want to leave. There's so much I've yet to do!!! Oh well, takin' it one day at a time.

It's Snowing! 
Dos Tacos Burrito 
Jjigae Dinner w/ Friends
Curry and Samgyetang

Seoul Lantern Festival Pics

Due to some difficulties trying to get my camera to connect to my computer, I'm unable to upload the lantern festival pics. When I can figure out what's up, I will do i then. So sorreh. :(

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More Celebrities! O-M-G!

November 11th - 17th

Not gonna go on about how I don't do anything of relevance so I'm just gonna jump right into the post. Cool? Cool.

Okay so Monday, I went to class, took tests, and danced for four hours. Two of my friends got to teach their pieces today and they were all very fun. Unfortunately, I'm uncoordinated and can't dance so...I didn't do as well as the others in the class. But no worries. I had fun. After dance, Halima, Kevin and I were invited to Di Moon Zhang's birthday get-together. For those of you who don't know who he is, he is a dancer/choreographer and he's part of I.aM.mE from America's Best Dance Crew. Halima and I got him a cake and a couple of artists came as well. (Jay Park, Lydia Baek, and Mint from Tiny-G) I had a fun time, and got to speak to some cool people (Moon's girlfriend is a world-class ballroom dancer).

Tuesday, I fell asleep in class, ate lunch with Anna, and went to another Simply K-Pop Music Show recording. Like last time, it was tons of fun and super long. A whole bunch of celebrities gave me high-fives and Insoo from My Name said he loved me. Now don't freak out. I honestly think that's the only thing in English he knew how to say besides "hello, how are you" and "I love you." I found it funny and endearing. And just like I posted last time, I really didn't get tired of seeing Jjun lift up his shirt and flaunt his abs. In fact, it seems like the more he did it, the more I spazzed out and almost died. On the way back from the recording, it was freezing. I wasn't even sure I was gonna make it home. My toes were numb, as well as my hands and my face. It was awful.

Wednesday, I was sick all day and didn't leave my room. Surprise, surprise. I wonder how that happened...

Thursday, I didn't go to my first class because I still felt kind of bad but I did go to my Korean Language class. It was alright. After that, I went to dance class. Mint came too and it was pretty fun. I love that Tiny G. (Bad joke, I know.) We went to Solbin's afterwards (me, Halima, Kevin, and Thomaz) and I ordered galbi rice. My mind is blown. I was delicious and my life has been changed. Yes, it was THAT good. Hehe

Friday, class as usual. Then me, Halima, Mint and her mom went to the Seoul Lantern Festival. It was actually pretty cool. The lanterns are actually like big statuesque stuff with lights running in them. They were also stationary in the river. We walked down like a quarter of the river and got over it so we decided to go to Myeongdong. Of course, we had to stop at like every street stall vendor selling food and try everything because it's funny. Duh! I highly recommend doing this if you ever visit Korea. Sat in a coffee shop and drank smoothies and talked, then shopped. Guess what we bought? Matching sweaters! LoL Yay friends! Anywho, we went home at like 11:00pm and that was my Friday.

Saturday and Sunday were both pretty eventful. Saturday I went to Di Moon Zhang's dance workshop. It was super fun, I met some awesome people, and me, Halima and Mint wore our matching sweaters to the class which made Thomaz jealous. After the tough, hot, and sweat class, some of us went to the noraebang. It was mad fun and we have videos to prove it. When noraebang was done, we had a grilled meat dinner hen went to a bar and just hung out. It was seriously a long night but nonetheless, I had a great time.

Sunday was day two of Moon's dance workshop and it was harder than the first. Way harder. In fact, I don't even remember it. But it was still fun and I enjoyed myself. Before that though, I met Mint at Dongdaemun and we had lunch. Her lunch was weird and she didn't like it. I felt kind of back for her but...mine was awesome. ^ . ^ When lunch was done being eaten, we window-shopped a bit and went to the studio for the workshop. I did actual shopping though and bought a Superman snap-back I was not supposed to buy. Oh well. I wanted it so it's mine. =P Neener neener. Oh and after the workshop, we went and ate lamb for dinner! It was awesome! I want more!

This time, I didn't really talk about what I ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day because my week was pretty eventful. Instead, I'll just post up pictures. And pictures of the lantern festival will be in my next blog post. I didn't take that many, but I figured it'd be more organized that way. Hope you guys enjoy them!

Wei Wei (Moon's Girlfriend)
Moon's B-Day Get-Together (Yes, that's Jay Park)
Lantern Festival Polaroids
Workshop Day 1
Workshop Day 2
Kissin' Mint. Haha
Moon and Wei Wei (I look a hot mess.)
Food! (Galbi Rice is in the middle.)
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
Lunch at Dongdaemun
Matching Sweater Trio

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Trick - Eye Museum Photos!

Enjoy the photos of me being totally ridiculous. And relish in the awesomeness that is the Trick-Eye Museum.