Sunday, December 8, 2013

2 More Weeks!!! Gyah!!! :(

Nov 29th - Dec 8th

Hey guys! Haven't heard from me for a while right? Once again, I can't remember what happened since my last blog post. Sorry. All I know is, I've been sick for like forever...again. I haven't been able to do anything and I even went to the hospital where I racked up this huge bill. Guess who's about to file this out to her insurance?! This girl. Haha. Anyways...I also haven't been able to sing that well and for those who know me well, that takes away like my whole life. I love to sing so I've been pretty depressed. So sad. Moving on. What did I do this like week and a half...I guess I'll look back to the pictures I took and see if I can figure it

Friday I went hung out with some of my friends and ate pie after dinner. I had chocolate fudge pie. Quite frankly, I don't know why I got that pie because I'm not a fan of chocolate cakeyness...should've gotten the raspberry cheesecake. Nonetheless, it was good. After that, me and Nikki met up with her friend Harry in Hongdae and we went to a Korean pub and hung out for longer than we expected, then went to a club. At the club, Nikki kept getting approached by a bunch of guys (one of whom I almost had to fight because he was ridiculous) and I witnessed one guy physically and emotionally abusing his girlfriend. I tried to help her by offering to help her get her stuff and hail her a cab home but she kept pushing me away like I was insane. I felt bad, but I tried. I think I was the only one who tried doing anything because the security guards at the club weren't of much help. Either this was common here, or everyone is just freakin' nuts...or both.

So on...Saturday? Yeah the 30th, Halima and I went to a benefit concert. It's to raise money to sponsor a starving child in Africa but...considering how me and her are students, we don't got money like that. Why were we there then? We actually got the tickets from one of the ladies at church. Wonder Boyz, Girl's Day, Ladies Code, Norazo, and a ballad singer I can't remember performed and it was good. Just sad the glow stick like exploded in my hand. Honestly, this was probably the most memorable thing that happened since my last blog post.

I was sick from the beginning of the month until now so I did absolutely nothing. I didn't even really eat. Hence, not a lot of food pictures. I know right? Me? Not eat? Crazy. Uhhhh...Thursday I went to dance class and got hit in the neck by one of my friends. It was an accident but I figured I should mention it. You know, trynna add a bit of excitement into this post. After dance, we hung out at a cafe and talked about a bunch of nothing for like ever and went home.

Friday the 6th was Natalie's birthday so after class, me and a bunch of people went out to eat at an all-you-can-eat sushi buffet. I had a mild allergic reaction because I can't eat seafood. Why did I go? Cuz it was her birthday, duh! We ate cake for dessert and I went home to rest. The weekend was mainly uneventful. Like I said, I was sick, my mood wasn't great, and I didn't really wanna do anything. Sorry. > . <

Saturday night, I went to a banquet because Halima bought me a ticket. And afterwards we ate Natalie's cake at a cafe. (Yes, another one. A lot of people bought her cake.) Hailing a cab back from Hongdae (where the last train had dropped us off) was a nightmare. One guy stalked me, Halima, and Nneka for like a good two blocks and here is how it went...

Me: I just wanna go home! *crying voice* (couldn't hail a cab)
Random Guy: So where's home for you guys? (he appeared out of nowhere and was standing uncomfortably close)
Halima: *steps back*
Nneka: ...New York?
RG: Oh really? I visited New York once! I stayed in Manhattan!
Me, Nneka, & Halima: ...
RG: So where you guys going?
Me: ...
Nneka: I don't trust that.
Halima: Sinchon.
RG: That's too close...

So after that, we walked off down the street reenacting how strange, awkward, and creepy that was until Halima informs us that the guy is still following us...

Halima: You guys...he's seriously still following us.
Me: I got my stilettos in my bag.
Nneka: Is that your plan of attack?

And...I can't remember how the rest went. Something about hot coffee and a scarf. But the random guy moved on, we finally got in a cab, the taxi driver taught us the right way to hail a cab, and made fun of my Korean. Here's an exert...

Me: I studied Korean for a year.
Taxi Driver: If you studied for a year, why aren't you good at it? You didn't study that hard did you?
(Nneka and Halima talk about how they taught themselves Korean.)
Me: I studied Korean at school.
TD: Well, looks like studying at home is the way to go!

I wasn't offended. In fact, it was funny and completely true. My synopsises (is that even a word? what's the plural of synopsis? does it have a plural?) of conversations may not be entirely accurate, but you get the gist of it.

But...THE END! Here's some pictures.

The Benefit Concert

Noodles, Donkatsu, and Makgeolli

Food and Christmas Decorations